
Maria Rogl

The people were different in the past
Ruth Deutschmann
Benjamin Epp
Sylvia Manning - Baumgartner
Nicole D´Incecco
'll have to say, it is time. They are so easy to blame the time, that's just an expression, they say, it's a completely different time. In Bethlehem, the sun has risen, and still goes on today, and there are also people lived, and animals they have had and .. and all that. That was then, but the people are different now. The people are much, much different now. That must say that. .. When I think back when I "think back", my grandfather .., my maternal grandmother, they were such nice people! They are also only .. Farmers have been at home and have since bought out. I must honestly say it was so nice to talk with them and so there is no such thing anymore. It's the people has changed, often and often, a well the tears come when they said if it was called, when the bell is gone now, died of now or has died of, my God, now is a piece of from the village died.